Drilldown: autores

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autores > fecha nacimiento : 1621 or 1632 & especialidad: Platero

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(There are no values for this filter)
fecha nacimiento: (Click arrow to add another value)
lugar nacimiento:
(There are no values for this filter)
fecha fallecimiento:
(There are no values for this filter)
lugar fallecimiento:
(There are no values for this filter)
cronologia siglo:
(There are no values for this filter)
cronologia ano desde:
(There are no values for this filter)
cronologia ano hasta:
(There are no values for this filter)
ciudad trabajo:
(There are no values for this filter)
especialidad: (Click arrow to add another value)
(There are no values for this filter)
(There are no values for this filter)
(There are no values for this filter)
(There are no values for this filter)
ref bibliografica:
(There are no values for this filter)

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